the Year
Julie Fuimano
a brand New year is the perfect time to assess
where you are and how far you've come. This is
also an excellent time to take a wider view of
your life to see if you are progressing the way
you want: learning, growing, changing, and enjoying.
Are you meeting the goals you intended this year?
Where are you today as compared to last year at
this time? Are you focusing your energies on the
right things, the things that matter the most
in your life?
is also a great time to celebrate - after all,
this is your life! And life is a journey. Learning
to navigate your journey is how you bring about
the results and the happiness you want.
an Inventory
The first step is to take a simple inventory of
where you are right now. Assess the different
areas of your life - finances, work, relationships
with spouse/children/family/friends, your body/health,
your personal development, and your environment.
Evaluate your level of fulfillment and your effectiveness
on a scale of one to ten in each of these areas.
more aware you are about where you are now and
where you want to be, the easier it will be for
you to take constructive actions, monitor your
growth, and reach your goals.
can involve intentional and purposeful actions
or you can live your life by default, wishing
and hoping for things to happen to you. It is
up to you to decide what is important to you and
focus on taking actions towards living according
to your values and achieving your goals. You must
envision what you want and accept responsibility
taking the necessary steps to get there.
starts with identifying where you are now in each
area of your life.
Look Back
Looking back to last year at this time, in what
ways have you grown and changed? How are things
different now from this time last year?
at the things you have accomplished in the past
year. What are some of the things you've done
and experienced? What have you learned? Simply
making a list of things you did and learned will
help you to see how much is possible to do in
a year. Often, we have unrealistic expectations
for what we can actually accomplish in a year
and sometimes. More often then not, people don't
give themselves enough credit for the things they've
done or take time to celebrate their accomplishments.
things progressing the way you want? Are the things
that have changed what you wanted and what you
expected? The idea is to start looking at the
beginning of each year as a significant moment
on your life journey. It is a time to make conscious
choices about what you want to focus on, set goals,
and take the necessary steps to move forward in
the direction you want to go.
and perspective are crucial. By taking yourself
out of the day-to-day minutia and examining your
life over the course of a year, you can see how
to use your time more effectively in order to
bring about the results you want. This is very
Your Progress
Any progress you've made deserves your attention
and acknowledgment. You took a vacation this past
year or attended a conference. Wonderful! You
managed to save a few thousand dollars in the
bank. Congratulations! You spent more quality
time with your family or friends this past year.
Great! Give yourself credit for the things you
have done - whatever they are. All too often we
take these things for granted or we don't give
them the due recognition.
is important to cultivate a grateful attitude.
That also means learning to be grateful for the
small steps you have made; over time, those small
steps add up to big leaps. Learn to give yourself
some kudos for your hard work. This doesn't mean
spend all of that money you saved on a new flat
screen TV. It simply means that you acknowledge
your efforts, appreciate the results you created;
then build upon this year's efforts by setting
bigger goals for next year.
Focus for the New Year
As you take an inventory of your life as it is
today, what would you like to see different or
changed by next year at this time? As you look
ahead to the future, you can create a vision for
your life and set some goals for year. You don't
need to set goals for every area of your life;
choose a couple of areas that you want to focus
on improving.
you have results from this year that you'd like
to build upon, then keep the momentum going and
think bigger. The only way to create bigger and
better things in life is to envision what you
want, take one step at a time, and assess your
progress along the way.
Fuimano, MBA, BSN, RN is a Personal
& Career Coach working with people who want
be more of what they are capable of becoming.
She's the author of "The Journey Called 'You'",
due for release May 2005. Learn how to unleash
the greatness within you! *Now accepting new clients!*
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