Julie Fuimano
is often difficult for people to accept, and yet
it's happening all around us. The only constant
in life is change. When you find that things are
not as you want them to be, it's time to get comfortable
with change.
Comfort Zone
Change means stepping beyond the comfort zone
and into the unknown. Your comfort zone is that
place where you are accustomed to living. It may
or may not actually be comfortable; you can be
miserable but avoiding change because at least
you know what to expect within the confines of
where you are now.
order to transform, you need to be willing to
risk learning something new. You need to be open
to new possibilities, realizing that you will
grow and become stronger in the process. This
new learning experience will expand your comfort
zone, offering you increased personal freedom.
does change mean to you? How do you cope when
placed in a situation where something needs to
change - and that something is you? Usually, change
results in better things. Often the fear of change
is really the fear of not knowing what's around
the other side of the change.
the idea of change stirs up feelings of fear,
start noticing how the fear impacts you. Recognizing
the fear - where it comes from and what it feels
like - is an important step to moving forward.
Embrace the feeling; don't ignore it. But as you
embrace it, ask yourself how the fear serves you?
What is it you're really afraid of?
means responsibility. It starts with accepting
responsibility for where you are right now, knowing
that you have the ability to take your life from
where it is and make the changes necessary to
reach your goals. Responsibility starts with an
increased awareness of the way things are, the
way you are. Not the way you think they are but
the way they really are.
things are required for initiating change, openness
and willingness - an openness to deeper understanding
of what can be possible, and a willingness to
let go of the way things are. In order to transform,
you must focus on the vision you hold for the
future instead of the past or the present. It
means clearly defining the vision you see for
yourself, then making a commitment to take the
steps necessary to reach your goals.
also means excitement, challenge and opportunity.
Being open to the possibilities means creating
a life beyond what you can think of today. It
means that there are no limits to how wonderful
life can become.
the focus on what you want your life to look like
and stop putting up with people or things that
get in the way of your dream. Identify the source
of those obstacles and deal with them. Remember,
you are responsible for your life and it's course.
Stop getting in your own way! Right now, this
minute, you have the power to change your life.
Make the commitment to no longer accept mediocrity
and you have taken the first step.
Change can be initiated in increments - a small
shift in thinking, attitude and actions can create
dramatic results in helping you change the course
of your life. Believe that you can create a better
life and visualize yourself there. What will it
feel like on your new path?
you think about most of the time, you bring about.
You can choose what you think about. Don't focus
on what has to change, rather think about what
it is you want - that vision you have for your
future - and you will naturally move in that direction.
Immerse yourself in thinking about your new vision.
Create a picture, collage or write about your
vision and post it where you can see it regularly.
changes are inevitable, like the changing of the
seasons and the passing of time. You have a choice
over how you experience these events. You can
perceive them as a rich part of the wonders of
life or as an unfortunate interruption of your
routine. People who have difficulty accepting
the passing of the years are often the ones who
are not fully living. It is from this lack that
they fear the loss of time. And yet, they have
the power to choose a different experience.
What needs to happen for you to be ready to change
course in life? What lessons are presenting themselves
to you right now that you must learn in order
to move forward? What needs to happen for you
to accept responsibility for creating and embarking
on a new path? Be honest about where you are and
where you want to be. Years have a way of slipping
by. If you are not ready now, then identify what
you need to learn in order to move forward. Wake
up! Your life is waiting.
Fuimano is a Success Coach and co-founder
of Nurturing Your Success, Inc. Her passion is
coaching clients on leadership and career development,
communication, team building, marketing and branding.
Take your life to the next level. Visit Julie
at www.nurturingyoursuccess.com,
write to her at Julie@nurturingyoursuccess.com
or call her directly at
(484) 530-5024.