3 Ways to Break Your Perfectionism Habit
Do you keep putting off goals because the timing isn’t just right? Is it difficult to end anys project because you’re still putting the finishing touches on it? Do your family or co-workers accuse you of being impossible to please? Learn how to break this self-defeating habit. Continue reading
Is it Time to Take a Risk and Be Unconventional?
Do you sense in your spirit that it's time for a change, perhaps time to take a risk and make a major career move? Consider these five risky career moves that have been known to pay off, when it's the right choice. Continue reading
Your Dream: Five Habits that will Get You There
Anyone can dream. The challenge is to translate those dreams into reality. In this article, you will learn about five powerful habits for attaining your dream. Continue reading
Why Not?
Great ideas can be lost by over-analyzing the logistics. Learn how asking the right questions can open your creativity and imagination to new possibilities and potential.
by Margaret Gibb
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3 Ways to Break Your Perfectionism Habit
Do you keep putting off goals because the timing isn’t just right? Is it difficult to end any project because you’re still putting the finishing touches on it? Do your family or co-workers accuse you of being impossible to please? Learn how to break this self-defeating habit. Continue reading